Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15, 2008

Please click on the following link. This video was made by one adoptive mother as a gift to other adoptive familes. I want to pass it along as well to all the Xingfu familes that have already brought home their children and to the families still waiting...Its BEAUTIFUL!

Julie Ann

Saturday, May 3, 2008



Yesterday I received John's Certificate of Citizenship in the mail. What a relief! It came with a letter from the President! I was so emotional reading it. It really reminded me how lucky we are to be born here in this great country. And I realized all the possiblities it opens for my newest son. I am so happy for him, myself and my family. I will be making a color copy of it so that we can frame it, and hang it on my mothers' "wall of fame" right next to my Grandfathers US Citizenship papers. (He came here from Italy as a young man).

"Americans are united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals. The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, and that no insignificant person was ever born. Our Country has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by principles that move us beyond our backgrounds, lifts us above our interests, and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every citizen must uphold these principles. And every new citizen, by embracing these ideals, makes this country more, not less, American..
...Americans are generous and strong and decent not because we believe in ourselves, but we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it."
(excerpt from letter from the White House)

So congratulations to John-John and all the other children in my travel group who are receiving the same letter and Certificate of Citizenship this week!

A little off topic- I have an amazing story...
As many of my friends and family know, I wash my floors on my hands and knees. (stay with me here...its relevant) With the advancements of mops and the introduction of Swiffers, etc, I will admit, I am a little "OCD" or old fashioned. I dont own either! With John- John home and very mobile, I am forever washing sticky substances of all kinds off the floor constantly. The last few times I've done this, John would try to get behind me and lift up the back of my shirt! If he succeeded, he would just lay his head on my back and stay there. I thought this was very odd to say the least. I thought maybe it was the skin contact he was looking for? A backwards hug? Maybe he thought he was trying to help me? Maybe he was just tired and it was a convenient place to lay his head? I couldnt figure it out untill a friend of mine was in the kitchen while I was once again, washing something sticky off the floor. I expressed how odd I thought it was that John always tried to do this. At that moment it was pointed out to me that John was trying to pull the back of my shirt up to trace his finger over the tattoo on my back... and he was laying his head right on the tattoo itself! (Yes, I have a tatoo. I often forget I even have mother is not proud) The interesting thing about this is that my tatoo is of the Chinese Characters for "friendship, love and loyalty" He must recognize the Chinese writing! As I'm writing this, I realize I'm giving an odd visual at best. But to see him do it in person is really unbelievable! He would stop whatever he is doing or playing with to come over and hug my Chinese tatoo....Then of course, I stop cleaning the floor and have to hug my Chinese son!!

More pics to come soon....I promise Marcy!
Julie Ann

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kitchen Dance...

I remember when Danny and Aidan were yonger, (around John's age) I used to dance with them in the kitchen almost every night. I guess it was because I always cooked dinner and had music playing. While my 2 older boys would probably not admit it now, they were dancing fools back then, and didnt hold back when dancing with their Momma. Then they got a little bit older, and maybe thought they were too cool for it, or just grew out of it. Regardless of the reasons, I have missed that little routine of ours for a couple of years now. Dinners became busy and rushed because someone had a practice or a baseball game or friends over. The boys each had their own agenda and little life of their own, and dancing with their mother took a back seat. Its not a bad thing. Just something I didnt know much I missed untill John came home.

So now, I have upgraded. I have an I-pod...and its strategically placed in the kitchen... And John loves music. He gets this serious face on and shakes his head back and forth to the beat of a song. Then he reaches out for me to pick him up and once in my arms, smiles, shakes his whole body and dances clapping his hands. I didnt teach him this. The kid has rhythm all on his own (he didnt get it from watching me I assure you).

Point is, dirty diaper days are back. So are sticky floors, and toys on the floor, and child safety locks, car seats full of cheerios, missing sippy cups, and loads and loads of laundry. I expected all this. It comes with the territory. But so does that smell of baby lotion, bath time, funny faces, and belly laughs. "Goodnight Moon" rocking to sleep, and early morning smiles through crib slats. I underestimated the importance of these things in my daily routine, and the special place in my memory they had. But the most surprising thing of all has been the dancing. I missed that the most. Now with Johnny home, all my boys are dancing in the kitchen again...

Julie Ann

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

OH that smile!!!!!

John Pics in China!

These are pics that were taken in China. The first is how John looked when he met me. Then we start to se a little personality. The last two are of his buddy Coleman. These two obviously knew eachother. Coles parents and I are eager to keep the boys in touch as they grow up! I miss that little man, and so does my father! He is such a riot!

We are home 13 days now....

...and I am the WORST blogger ever!

Sorry I didnt keep up. It was so hard to update this blog in China, and being home now with a 20 month old doesnt make it any easier! I WILL post more pics later this week I PROMISE! But here is the update...

We have been home 13 days now, and it seems like an eternity since we were in China. I left that country with not only my 3rd son, but memories that I couldnt have dreamed of making. It was the trip of a lifetime. China is a beautiful country, and its a place not only worth visiting, but going back to. I miss my travel group. I couldnt have asked for a nicer group of people to share this experience with. But its true when they say "there is no place like home..."

Landing at Newark airport was surreal and wonderful!!! I was immediatly taken to a customs agent where John's passport and adoption info was taken. He was greeted as an American citizen because the moment we landed on American soil, that's what he became. Walking down the ramp, (with my poor father carring 2 carraiges full of luggage) was just heaven as I was greeted by my family and of course Danny and Aidan. The boys were so good and Aidan immediatly offered up his jacket to his younger brother "becuase its cold outside" he said. It was picture perfect!

The first few days were a little foggy. John is an amazing baby. He is laid back and goes with the flow. He adjusted to the time change with no problems. I on the other hand was not so lucky. I would wake up at 4am ready to start my day and almost pass out by 2pm in the afternoon. It wasnt pretty. Thankfully he is a great napper and I was able to get rid of the jet lag within a few days.

He had his first doctors appointment and got the "thumbs up" from his pediatrician. This little boy who upon first meeting him, couldn't sit up on his own steady, or hold his own bottle, or make eye contact much less walk or smile. 23 days later, he walks on his own, feeds not only himself, but me as well. He starts each morning laughing and reaching out for me. Its like John is a different child then the one I adopted in China. Its been a little miracle each day. The milestones I watched Danny and Aidan make over the course of their first 18 months, I'm watching John do from one day to the next. He's amazing. He has a firm grip on what 'peek-a-boo' is and loves to wave 'bye-bye' and blow kisses. Its a great start!

I cannot tell you how good it feels to be home with all three of my sons. I feel like everything is how it should be and how is was always meant to be. The stress and worry I took with me to China, I left in China. This whole experience has been as meaningful and life changing as childbirth itself. And just as equal in its importance. I feel so blessed and lucky...I am one lucky Momma! Pics to follow...

Julie Ann

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blog Problems

I am having trouble accesing the blog to view it from China. I am posting and I think they are going through but I cant be sure. If you are leaving any comments, please email me directly at . My email seems to be working fine. Go figure? But please keep in touch....Thanks!

Finally in China

We are finally here...and I can finally access the blog. (Marcy is a genius!) Our travel group is great! We have been so many places so far I dont know where to begin, I will let the pictures speak for themselves. China is really beautiful and has exceeded my expectations! The food (so far) is great but I would be lying if I said I didnt want a real cheeseburger with real ketchup! I think we will be OK as long as we dont drink the water! That hasnt been a problem. I cant really seem to get a handle on the time difference here. Right around lunch time we all really fade out. Probably because its the middle of the night at home. The Great wall is just that....Great! It is much steeper than you can imagine and a workout in itself just to make it to the first watch tower. We lucked out with the weather and had a clear view for miles!

We have a little boy in our travel group. Alex is 41/2 years old and is a pleasure to have with us. He is a blonde hair, blue eyed guy and he gets lots of attention from locals. At Ming's tomb a group of people swarmed him in his carraige just to look at him. It was very funny. Its like people have never seen a fair skinned, light eyed child before. Maybe they havent! He and parents, Jeannine and Stephen were gracious and didnt panic. I was impressed. I even jumped a little when I saw people's reaction to him. There were about 20 people crowding him and staring at him. He was a little prince though and just let them get a look! Just goes to show the cultural differences. We are really the foreigners here.

Tomorrow we are going to Tiananmen Square and The Forbidden City, then in the afternoon we are off to the airport to catch our flight to Nanjing. Monday I should finally meet John-John! I've watched the wait go from 6 months to now just a day or two. The anticipation is killing me!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sitting in the airport....

We are set to board our plane in a few minutes. Just wanted to send my love to my sons Danny and Aidan! I love you guys and miss you already! Ill be home in 15 days, and I'm counting them! I'm going to try to keep up with the posts in China so stay tuned....


Saturday, February 23, 2008

TA! Travel permission received !

I have received travel permission and booked my flight to leave Newark on March 5th! My father and I will spend a few days in Beijing with some of the other fellow Xingfu families.
Johnny will be home soon....(March 21 to be exact)! I will try to keep us with the blog while in China but being 'computer illiterate' may pose a challenge for me to do so. I hope to hear from all of you while away so PLEASE post messages. Here is our itinerary as I understand it:

March 5- Leave Newark to Beijing (13.5 hours)
March 8- Fly to Nanjing
March 10- "GOTCH DAY"! They will bring Johnny to the Cival affairs office in Nanjing where I will meet him for the first time!.
March 11- Adoption ceremony!
March 15- Fly to Guangzhou
March 18/19- American Consulate appointments- adoption is complete.
March 20- fly back to Beijing, THEN HOME!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Letter Seeking Confirmation received!!!!! (and his name)

On January 22, 2008 I received my letter! Letter Seeking Confirmation is an acceptance letter from China stating that the match between you and your child is official! (Abbreviated LSC) I had been waiting anxiously for that letter since November...

Now the only thing keeping me from my son in China is Travel Approval (TA). Typically that takes 5 weeks to get but with the Chinese New Year a few days away, it may very well be longer. Once TA is received, the adoptiona agency will arrange my consulate appointments in Gunagzhou, I can I arrange my trip to China. My father will accompany me. The current plan is to spend a few days in Beijing, travel to Nanjing to meet my son, then continue to Guangzhou to complete the adoption process and make it official and fly home from Hong Kong.

His name....

I have thought long and hard about what to name Chang JiZhong. A few months back I received a video update on him. He is SO big and has his own firey personality! I thought this would help me give him a suitable name that fit him. I realized that all the names I had thought of didn't suit him at all. Over and over again in his video his nannies were calling him "John-John" (as 'Zhong' in Chinese sounds like 'John' in English). He responded to his name. Its the only thing he will probably leave China with that is somewhat his own. Therefore I am going to keep it as such. (Especially since most of my family member who have seen the video call him 'John-John' anyway!) Regardless as to what anyone may or may not be thinking, he was not named for anyone inparticular with the exception of my wonderful Uncle Johnny who died several years back and who I have the best memories of from my childhood. So there you have it...John JiZhong Gallagher is his American/Chinese name!